African Climate Research Group

africa climate

Research cuts across many components of climate science as they apply to Africa with a focus on rainfall dynamics and aerosol emissions.

Welcome to the African climate research group of Professor Richard Washington at Oxford University. The climate of Africa has been a focus of research at Oxford for many years. Research is particularly active at present, on topics as diverse as rainfall variability in the Congo, dust emission in the Sahara, development of satellite tools and validation of numerical models. We work with meteorological agencies, scientists and stakeholders across the African continent and Arabian peninsula, as well as with climate scientists in the UK and further afield. Our work has been generously funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) over many years.

Please use the links above to navigate the website, where you will find information about the projects and fieldwork we are involved in, our publications and external recognition, more about the members of the group and also some of our favourite videos and photos.