Shining a Light on Energy's Zero Carbon Future

Burning fuel for energy is hugely costly, whether it is fossil fuel for electricity generation or wood for household fires. It not only creates huge financial costs, but also leads to air pollution that is costing people’s lives, and is driving climate change that is costing the earth. However, that could all be so different! Integrating renewable energy at scale would help us build a better future for everyone, wherever they are in the world.


The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy has been working since 2015 to understand the multiple challenges and benefits of decarbonising the energy system– from legal and policy barriers to engineering solutions.


The researchers can see a future for the energy system that is not just about reaching net zero, but that is about delivering a high quality of life for everyone: a future with clean and efficient transport, affordable domestic energy, and life-enhancing benefits.


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